I am a Cognitive Scientist examining how people make decisions.
I studied Computer Science (BSc, 2006, Athens) before doing an MSc (2007, Edinburgh) and a PhD in Cognitive Science (2008-2012, UCL, under the guidance of Nick Chater and Marius Usher). Later on, I was a postdoc at the University of Oxford working with Chris Summerfield (2012-2015). I subsequently held a Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellowship (Birkbeck, 2015-2016) before pursuing a Marie Curie IF in Hamburg in Tobias Donner's lab (2016-2018) followed by an ERC Starting Grant (2018-2024), which started at the department of Neurophysiology & Pathophysiology, at the UKE in Hamburg. I am currently a Senior Lecturer at the School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol.
k [dot] tsetsos62 [at] gmail [dot] com | NeuroTree | ORCID | Google Scholar
Luning He, PhD student (Bristol-Macquarie Cotutelle Programme)
"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is." As a PhD student, my research interest lies in exploring the interplay between attention and decision-making in uncertain environments, with a particular focus on the role of rare events. To address this question, I will employ computational modeling and MEG/EEG decoding methods.
luning [dot] he [at] bristol [dot] ac [dot] uk | Github | Twitter
Maryam Tohidi, PhD student (UKE)
My research interest is to understand how humans make decisions, especially irrational ones. The aim of my project here is to investigate the neurobiological processes underlying choice phenomena (e.g. preference reversal and framing biases) in multi-attribute decision-making paradigms. In this project, I will use behavioral data analysis in psychophysics tasks, I will also simultaneously record eye position and MEG/EEG signals.
m [dot] tohidi-moghaddam [at] uke [dot] de | NeuroTree | Google Scholar | Twitter
Current role: postdoc at University of Hamburg (PI: Prof. Sebastian Gluth)
Marcus Siems, Postdoc (UKE)
I am a Postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Konstantinos Tsetsos. Here, my research focus is on the neural basis of decision making between multiple objects and how attention is allocated between these options. I studied Psychology (BSc, 2012, Bremen) and Neuroscience (MSc, 2014, Tübingen). For my doctoral studies I worked in the lab of Markus Siegel (2014-2020, Tübingen) investigating amplitude- and phase-based neuronal interactions with MEG.
m [dot] siems [at] uke [dot] de | NeuroTree | Google Scholar | Twitter
Current role: postdoc at UKE, Hamburg (PI: Prof. Andreas Engel)
Molly Stapleton, Postdoc (Bristol)
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Tsetsos Lab, with a present focus on combining both pupillometry and psychophysical tasks to infer the roles of dopamine and noradrenaline over risk-based decisions. I further possess an interest in the neural circuitry and neuromodulation of sequential information sampling and how this contributes to multi-attribute decisions. I studied Psychology (BSc, 2016) and Neuroscience (MRes, 2017) at Newcastle University (UK). I then stayed at Newcastle University to complete my doctoral studies with Professor Alexander Thiele (2017-2021), combining behavioural and electrophysiological methods to investigate the modulatory role of dopamine over probabilistic decision-making. Furthermore, prior to my starting in the Tsetsos lab, I completed a short postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Professor Stuart Baker (2021-2022), investigating the neural circuitry underpinning stroke synergies.
molly [dot] stapleton [at] bristol [dot] ac [dot] uk | Twitter | Website
Current role: Research Scientist at Charles River Laboratories
Yinan Cao, Postdoc (UKE)
As a postdoc in the Tsetsos lab, I'm interested in building a theory of flexible multi-attribute decision leveraging tools such as MEG, neuropharmacological interventions, and computational modeling. I have mixed background in engineering (BEng, Tsinghua University, China), psychophysics (MA, McGill, Canada), and cognitive neuroscience. I earned my Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology at Oxford University, where I held a Clarendon Fund Scholarship. During my doctoral studies, I was supervised by Prof. Chris Summerfield and co-supervised by Prof. Christoph Kayser.
ycaoneuro [at] gmail [dot] com | NeuroTree | ORCID | Mastodon | Github | Twitter
Current role: Marie Curie Fellow at École normale supérieure, Paris (host PI: Dr. Valentin Wyart)